Prayer Room on Campus & Online PRAYER WALL
By becoming a Prayer Room Intercessor, you will pray with and for those who call the 24-hour Prayer Line, our weekly “worship service” prayer requests, missionaries around the world, church leadership, our government leaders, and other requests that have been received. You will be blessed by serving the body of Christ in this critical ministry as we see how God answers prayer. A brief orientation is offered before you begin this Intercessory Prayer Ministry. We have an online prayer wall you can participate and pray for these requests now.
The Power of Prayer
Encouraging the people of God to pray all the time, everywhere, for the purposes of God
We believe in the power of prayer and want to connect with you in whatever way is best for you!
You can speak with someone 24/7
at 1-866-899-WORD.
We would be happy to pray with you immediately, or you can click here to send a request and we will get back with you as soon as possible.

Sanctuary of Prayer
Sanctuary of Prayer is a quiet place for people to come and pray, be prayed for, or pray with others. Our Sanctuary of Prayer is open on Tuesdays from 12–1PM.
Walking Warriors
A ‘walking warrior’ is becoming a “prayer walker” in your neighborhood by ”praying on site with insight”!
If you already walk in your neighborhood now you can also be praying while you walk, taking your prayers beyond the walls of our church and praying with kingdom-sized hope for specific homes and families. It’s simply praying in the very places that we expect God to bring forth His answers – helping us draw nearer in order to pray clearer.
Global Partner Prayer Team
Our church is honored to have several families on the mission field around the world. They are located in areas such as Southeast Asia, Central and Southern Asia, Croatia, Brazil, England, and Russia.
These specifically targeted Prayer Teams pray for the families, their needs, their ministry, the ‘people group’ that they are working with, the area of the world in which they are living and other needs that are communicated to us from the families.
Standing Firm
During each worship service, you can “stand firm” by meeting with others to pray for that service while in progress.
The worship services of our church are being blessed by God in reaching people through the praise of His people and the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. Please consider your role in “standing firm” for one service each month.
Warriors on the Wall
Help us construct an around the clock ‘wall of prayer’ at FBS. You can select an hour of the week to pray intentionally for the ministries and the people of our church. We will provide you with instructions and a prayer guide each month.