Abundant Life
Our Mission
Connecting people with hope and love.
Our Vision
We envision a community transformed by the redeeming love of Christ.

The Bridge at Green Street is an arm of First Baptist Church Spartanburg, doing ministry in the heart of Spartanburg’s Northside. Our mission at The Bridge is to connect people with hope and love. We strive to partner with our neighbors in working toward spiritual, physical, emotional, and financial wholeness. To see the people of God mobilized for the mission of God in order to see lives changed and the Northside community transformed through a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. All serving together, with Kingdom purpose, to rebuild a stronger, united community.
Verse of the Month
Ephesians 2:8-9
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.
We are Located at:
317 Green Street, Spartanburg, SC 29303

Ministry Office:
8 am – 5:15 pm, Monday – Thursday
Food Market:
9 am – 12 pm, Tuesday & Thursday
Clothing Wearhouse:
9 am – 12 pm, Monday – Thursday
Bike Ministry:
9 am – 12 pm, Monday – Thursday
Please note: Due to COVID precautions, once capacity is reached within our waiting area, we must halt community services until the next business day. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Tour the Bridge
If you would like to schedule a tour and hear more about the ministries of The Bridge, please complete the Tour Registration form.
Neighbor News
If you would like to be updated on events and services being offered through the Bridge and surrounding community we invite you to register for Neighbor News! We will keep you informed!
Bridge Blast
If you would like to hear all about what God is doing at the Bridge to impact our community, register for the Bridge Blast! You will receive a quarterly update, complete with pictures and information, celebrating the faithfulness of God.
We have a rich history! In 1889, our church planted Green Street Baptist Church near the Spartan Mill to reach the community for Christ. In 2016, 125 years later, the members of GSBC voted to give back to their “mother church” and The Bridge was born.

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:17
Our Values
We believe in Jesus Christ and the power of God’s love.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
We believe that all people are created in God’s imagine and have worth.
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27
We believe that any person in any circumstance can be made new through Jesus Christ.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17
We believe that God loves everyone and all are welcome.
Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
Romans 15:7
We believe that everyone has personal responsibility in living an abundant life.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10
Our Strategy
Equip Individuals with Truth
Support Families toward Abundance
Be Neighbors Who Love Neighbors
Promote Wholeness in Community
Inspire Children to Personal Growth
Food Market:
9 am – 12 pm, Tuesday & Thursday
Entrance E
If you qualify for food assistance, you are able to receive a food box from our market once per month during hours of operations. Qualified individuals receive EBT, SSI or TNAF or fall below the specified income guidelines.
Starting in January 2025, neighbors will need an appointment to shop at the Food Market. For more information on how this will work and to schedule an appointment, please visit our Appointment page.
Clothing Wearhouse:
9 am – 12 pm, Monday – Thursday
Entrance D
The Bridge has a clothing Wearhouse filled with beautiful, gently worn clothing. We have clothing for adults and children, as well as a Baby Boutique, which may include baby items other than clothing. Anyone is welcome to shop! Items are available for a $3 donation per bag. Shop once per week for up to three bags. It takes at least 15 min to shop, so please arrive no later than 11:45 am.
Bridge Children’s Programs:
The Bridge Kids is an after school program for Spartanburg Northside children K-5 through 5th grade, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2:30–5:15pm. Kids come for fun, food, and homework tutoring. The Bridge Scholars is our ministry to Middle School students that are 6th – 8th grades. Students come to the Bridge on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 3:30 – 5:45 pm. If you are interested in registering your child or volunteering, please email thebridge@fbs.org or call 864-699-4338.
9 am – 12 pm, Monday – Thursday
Entrance D
Bridge Bikes are available for a $20 donation, which includes a lock, Monday thru Thursdays from 9 am – 12 pm. Helmets are available for an additional $5. Bikes are available for those who do not have another form of transportation to and from work. An ID is required, along with proof of employment. Limit one bike per year with signed Bridge Bike Agreement.
Transitional housing program specifically for single women to support them as they overcome homelessness. BridgeWay Village will be a tiny house community for women where we give support, encouragement, and foster community. Through case management, discipleship, training, education. and personal responsibility, they can have a confident hope for their future.
Case Management:
We are currently not offering financial assistance. However, we would still love to walk alongside you during this season through case management. If you would be interested in other types of assistance listed below, please come to the Bridge, Monday-Thursday 9-12 to schedule a case management appointment.
- Financial Education/Budgeting
- Prayer & Encouragement
- Possible partner referrals and other available community resources
- Help with resume, budgeting, online applications such as SNAP, etc.
We welcome new volunteers!
From our Food Market and Clothing Wearhouse, to Hospitality and Handyman repairs, there are countless opportunities to get plugged into The Bridge! If you are interested in volunteering, please watch the Orientation Video first. Afterwards, please click on the link below to complete the Volunteer Application form. We will be back in touch with you soon.
Thank you for your support of The Bridge at Green Street! Your donations allow us to provide valuable resources through our programs to the most vulnerable people in our community. Thank you so much for your support!
Food Drives:
In addition to TEFAP, we offer a shopping experience through our Market for our neighbors. If your business, church, agency or social group would be interested in helping us stock our shelves through a food drive, please contact us at thebridge@fbs.org or call 864.699.4450.
Give Financially:
Online: (click here)
Under “missions” fund, with memo The Bridge
Check: Mail to: 317 Green Street, Spartanburg, SC 29303
Donations Hours:
Monday – Thursday
Donate Clothing:
We accept gently used clothing for our Clothing Wearhouse. In partnership with local ministries, any donations we are unable to use we share with Miracle Hill.
Stay Connected through the Bridge Blast – Sign up for quarterly updates through The Bridge Blast at thebridge@fbs.org.
High Place Prayer Center
Join us anytime between 8 am – 5 pm to pray in the High Place. There are individual rooms for privacy. Prayer resources available to visitors.
Prayer requests for the Bridge
- Ask the Lord to bless the ministries of The Bridge that are happening throughout the week to love, encourage and provide support to our community.
- Pray for Bridge volunteers to be filled with compassion for the hurting and a heart to see the lost be saved. Ask the Lord to give them opportunities to pray and share the gospel with clients. May God grant them boldness to speak Truth and to share the love of Jesus with others.
- Pray that our neighbors will not only have their physical needs met, but more importantly their spiritual need to know God through Christ Jesus.
- Ask God to protect us, our neighbors, and the work that is being done to revitalize the Northside of Spartanburg.
Employment Opportunities
AmeriCorps – Direct Service
United Way of the Piedmont’s AmeriCorps Program offers individuals the opportunity to gain professional experience in the nonprofit sector. An AmeriCorps member will work part-time as a Financial Stability Navigator at The Bridge / BridgeWay Village.
Navigators will serve families across the economic stability spectrum of need, increasing opportunities for families to meet critical needs, overcome barriers to self-sufficiency, and create pathways to financial stability.
Members will be provided with in-depth orientation and on-going training to support their work.
If you are interested in becoming an AmeriCorps member at The Bridge / BridgeWay Village, visit https://www.uwpiedmont.org/directserviceopportunities to apply.

AmeriCorps VISTA
AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers In Service To America) is an AmeriCorps program that focuses on fighting poverty in communities across the United States. The AmeriCorps VISTAs in the Piedmont (VIP) Program is a community-based program that focuses on building the capacity of nonprofit organizations to alleviate poverty in the Piedmont region of South Carolina.
This is different from AmeriCorps in that VISTAs do not work in direct service, rather they work alongside the organization to build the needed capacity to strengthen community support and involvement. Since 2006, over 250 individuals have served in the program, impacting over 50 nonprofit agencies and countless individuals and families throughout Spartanburg, Cherokee, and Union Counties.
If you are interested in becoming an AmeriCorps VISTA member at The Bridge / BridgeWay Village, visit https://www.uwpiedmont.org/americorpsvista to apply.