Mission & Vision
A place where Everyone can invite
Anyone to encounter The Living One.
We believe that in Christ, more is possible than you can ever imagine. We are firmly convinced God has placed us here to fulfill a mission “to encourage complete and courageous living in Christ.” It’s not enough just to know a little bit about the Bible and attend the occasional worship service—we want people everywhere to live completely and courageously in the unfathomable power we know in Jesus Christ!
In order to accomplish our mission, we have a 4-point strategy for our church and our individual lives: Worship, Prepare, Serve, Engage.
We also hold to 5 Core Values that define what we believe: Absolute Truth, Intentional Unity, Redemptive Passion, Dependent Prayer, and Generational Potential.
As a Baptist church, we believe the the Body of Christ includes all of the redeemed of all the ages, believers from every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation. Read more in the Baptist Faith & Message.

Have I met with God personally today?
To show worship to something means to express reverence and adoration for it. From daily time spent in God’s Word to weekly, corporate gatherings to praise Him, worship is how we show reverence and adoration for God. At FBS, we have multiple worship services for a corporate time of worship, and resources for your daily alone time with God.

Do I have any “2:00 AM Friends?”
Life is not meant to be lived alone! It is our goal that everyone should have a few friends who would answer the phone, even at 2:00 AM. Life Groups are our way to develop strong relationships with people who will build us up as we study God’s Word together, and help us prepare for anything life will throw our way.

Have I found my sweet spot of service?
It’s hard to explain the fulfillment you experience when serving others. We believe every follower of Jesus should find a place to serve, which is why we have multiple opportunities open for everyone to volunteer and serve in different capacities. Whether you enjoy brightening someone’s day as a greeter, helping serve those in need in our homeless ministry, volunteering in the church choir, or even helping out in media production, God has a sweet spot for you to serve.

Am I close to someone who is far from God?
Sharing what God is doing in our lives with others who don’t know Him is an essential part of the life of a believer. The Great Commission (Acts 1:8) tells us to share Jesus locally, nationally, and internationally. We believe that starts with engaging and befriending those around us who lack the peculiar hope we hold inside. We also place great importance in organized events and trips to love on people right in town and across the world in order to share Jesus with those who don’t know Him.
Our Core Values
Absolute Truth
We value the Bible alone as God’s Word
“I have been a member of First Baptist for 73 years and the Bible has always been foundational at our church. Sitting under the preaching of Dr. Slaughter, Dr. Walker and now Dr. Wilton it is obvious they believe the Bible is the greatest book ever written. Its writers were inspired by God to reveal to us His wonderful plan of salvation. What a great God to love each of us so much to send His Son to die on the cross for our sins and to reveal to us what God was truly like. Knowing this truth is consistently proclaimed all the way from the pulpit to our preschool teachers thrills my heart.” – Grady Stewart
Intentional Unity
We value a determined oneness for the purposes of God
“All my life people at First Baptist have invested in me. Even when I was small, I felt the love and devotion of my Sunday School teachers and others. They were united in the purpose of nurturing me. So when I went overseas as a young adult, those were the people who prayed for me. When I came back I felt right at home because of the unity of purpose.
Now that I am married, that unity pushes me and my husband Scott to give back. Even though we don’t have children, we want to be involved with the kids because we see the value of investing in their lives.” – Jenny Neely Sewell
Redemptive Passion
We value burdened hearts for broken people
“There was a time in my life when outwardly, I appeared to be happy but inwardly I was miserable. At a Mirror Image concert Dr. Wilton pointed out that the chains of sin are stronger and more destructive than the chains binding prisoners. That night the Lord accepted me as one of His and totally released me from the chains of sin, confusion, and wrong relationships. I am no longer a wandering generality but a meaningful specific. Each morning when I wake up there are no thoughts of regret; I begin each day with praise, thanksgiving, and worshipping God. I am at peace no matter where I am.” – Jay Pierce
Dependent Prayer
We value continual conversation with God
“Being a part of a praying church gives me peace in knowing we are committing everything to God first. We can put all our trust in God no matter what. The only way to do that is to stay in a continual relationship with him. We depend on continuous conversation with God to bring us close to Him. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. I don’t have to pray at a certain time; I can pray in the morning and continue during the day. He’s always there listening.
Our Prayer Wall is a constant reminder that we are a praying people. We depend on God to direct everything we do. After all, He is the one who has the plan. We can depend totally on Him. What a blessing to know we can rest in Him and depend on Him to guide and direct us no matter what.” – Deborah Irvin
Generational Potential
We value every generation reaching every generation
“Perhaps one of the most undeniable strengths before us is the obvious generational process in a church family. The legacy of love and continuing drive to strengthen our church family, the body of Christ, is overwhelming. Our church’s greatness is rooted in our tremendous strength passed from generation to generation. People who have gone before us have held to strict principles of trying to win souls and bond the church family. The faith that makes it good now is what made it good in the past and will carry us into the future.” – Bill Jeffords
As members of FBS, we hold a simple covenant which combines our worship strategy and core values.
Having been led by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and on the public profession of our faith, and having been baptized by immersion in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with God and one another, as one body in Christ to:
A). Walk together by the aid of the Holy Spirit, in Christian love
B). Strive for the advancement of this Church in knowledge, holiness and obedience to God’s Word
C). Promote its unity and spirituality by sustaining its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines
D). Tithe cheerfully and regularly in support of the ministry, the expenses of the Church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations
E). Live our lives under the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every area
F). Accept the Word of God as our authority for faith and everyday living
G). Maintain the unity of the Body by acting in love toward other members, cultivating Christian sympathy, slow to take offense, and always ready for reconciliation
H). Find our individual place of service within this part of the Body of Christ; and
I). When we move from this place, we will as soon as possible unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.
We enter into this covenant because we have the common purpose of obeying Jesus Christ and because we believe that we need one another’s help to do this.