March 10-12, 2022
Fiction • Nonfiction • Article writing • Humor • Children’s writing • Mechanics of good writing
Book Proposals • Social Networking • Pitching to Editors and Publishers
Now is the time to realize your dream of being a published author. If you are a new writer who wants to learn how to break into the publishing world, or an experienced writer looking for new markets and wanting to network with other writers, this conference is for you. All writers can benefit from two days of companionship, learning, worship, and encouragement.
Everyone has a story and it’s time to tell yours. Learn how to do that with excellence. Join us for two information and inspiration packed days as you spend time with editors, publishers, and professional writers. Let them help you explore ways to share your story with others.
For more information contact Linda Gilden
Director, Carolina Christian Writers Conference
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Special Day for Pastors and Ministry Leaders
Schedule Coming Soon!
Friday, March 11, 2022
Schedule Coming Soon!
Saturday, March 12, 2022
Schedule Coming Soon!
2022 Faculty
Test Text For Faculty
” trigger_condition=”button” trigger_button_text=”View List” trigger_button_align=”center” modal_style=”1″ admin_label=”Faculty Information” disabled_on=”on|on|on” _builder_version=”4.6.6″ background_color_gradient_start_position_tablet=”50px” background_color_gradient_end_position_tablet=”50px” z_index_tablet=”500″ text_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet=”0px” text_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet=”0px” text_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet=”1px” trigger_text_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet=”0px” trigger_text_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet=”0px” trigger_text_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet=”1px” headings_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet=”0px” headings_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet=”0px” headings_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet=”1px” box_shadow_horizontal_tablet=”0px” box_shadow_vertical_tablet=”0px” box_shadow_blur_tablet=”40px” box_shadow_spread_tablet=”0px” text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet=”0px” text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet=”0px” text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet=”1px” disabled=”on” global_colors_info=”{}” _i=”1″ _address=”″ /]
Scholarship information
Scholarship Application
Scholarship application for the 2022 Writers Conference.
Carolina Christian Writers Conference
Scholarship Application
First Baptist Church, Spartanburg, SC
Deadline to apply for a scholarship is February 15, 2022
Title ________ First Name _________________ MI ___ Last Name _____________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________________________ State ______ Zip ________
Phone ____________________________________ Website ___________________________
Email _________________________________________________ Date ________________
I am ____ published ___ unpublished.
My current project is
My writing goals are
What I am doing to reach these goals
I want to attend this conference because
I need a scholarship because
- Submit your application via email to Be sure to put Scholarship Application in the subject line.
- Scholarship is for full tuition only. Does not cover the optional Friday morning session or recordings.
- Before applying for a scholarship make sure you will be able to attend.
by Friday morning 10:00 a.m.-Noon Cost $45 if registered February 22, 2022, $60 if registered by March 8th, 2022.
Canva and How to Use it
Information to come.
Friday Morning – 11-noon
Free Welcome to the Conference Workshop:
Making the Most of the Conference
Attending your first writers conference is exciting, but it can also be a little intimidating and overwhelming. The Welcome to the Conference Workshop is designed to help you learn how to navigate the conference like a pro. We’ll discuss the importance of networking, taking notes, being teachable, following up on what you learn, and provide tips on choosing classes and making appointments. So plan to sign up for this free pre-conference class to enhance your experience.
Please Note: The Friday Morning Workshop will not be completed before the “Welcome to the Conference Workshop” begins.
Friday Morning Workshop
Information to come.
Friday Morning Workshop
Friday Morning Workshop Information
Manuscript Critiques
Critique fee is $35.
Are you interested in taking your writing to the next level? A good way to determine if you are ready for publication is by submitting your manuscript for critique. Some shy away from having a manuscript evaluated, but if you are serious about improving your writing and achieving publication, a manuscript critique is an important step in the process. And it is a great way to learn what mistakes you are making in your writing. We look forward to helping you.
Critique Guidelines
Critique fee is $35.
* Critiques are available for both pre-published and published writers.
* You must register and pay for the conference in order to submit a manuscript for critique.
* The critique fee is $35.00 per manuscript and includes comments on your manuscript and a 15-minute virtual appointment with your critiquer. You will set this up directly with him or her.
* Manuscript format: double spaced, (unless noted below), Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri font, one side of the paper. Do not bold, italicize, or use all caps for emphasis.
* Please submit your manuscript prior to the conference via email to the critiquer of your choice. The list of critiquers will added below by Jasnuary 15. You will contact them and pay them directly. Please write “CCWC Manuscript Critique Submission” in the subject line. Please revisit this page for the complete list of names and availability and deadlines.
* Submissions must fit the following criteria. If submissions are longer than the specified guidelines, the critique will not extend beyond the amount listed below.
Devotions: (limit of three – no longer than two pages each)
Poetry: three poems or three pages
Articles: up to 1500 words
Nonfiction book: outline and first 10 pages
Nonfiction book proposal: single spaced complete proposal
Novel: single spaced synopsis (no more than two pages) and first 10 pages (a prologue is included in this page count)
Novel proposal: single spaced proposal and synopsis
Short stories (fiction): up to 2000 words
Personal experience story (nonfiction): up to 1500 words
Bible Studies: outline (single spaced) and up to 10 pages
Children’s picture book: entire book
Children’s chapter book: synopsis and up to 10 pages
Manuscripts that include sexually explicit material or profanity will not be accepted for critique.
Deadline for critique submissions is up to the critique and will be listed beside his or her name. Most critiquers have limited the number of manuscripts they will critique so you are urged to send your submissions ahead of the deadline.
Remember, list of critiquers will be posted on or before January 15.
Deadline: February 15, 2022
Welcome to CCWC writing contest! It is our prayer that through this contest, we encourage authors to confirm their calling. This part of the contest is limited to attendees whose entries are unpublished and uncontracted for the category entered.
The $25 fee for each entry goes to our Scholarship Fund, enabling talented but financially challenged writers to attend the conference. Thus, when you enter the contest, you are investing not only in your own professional growth, but also in God’s plan of provision for others.
Rules, guidelines, and fees are listed below. Please read and follow them carefully so as to ensure a valid entry.
Deadline for this year’s contest is February 15, 2022.
Praying for you as you write for Him!
Melissa Henderson
CCWC Contest Director
View Guidelines
All entries must adhere to the following specifications or risk being disqualified.
Formatting contest entry:
Cover page is crucial.
On the top line of your cover page, center the words CCWC Contest Entry/Genre (Name the specific genre of your writing).
In the middle of the cover page, please include:
• Title of Entry
• Category with subgenre if applicable
• Total number of entry pages (not counting cover page)
At the bottom of the page, please include the following:
• Name
• Address
• Email
• Phone
Your entry pages should be numbered, double-spaced (except for poetry), Times New Roman 12-point font, and have a running title in the header, but no other identifying information.
E-mail contest entry no later than February 15 to:
with CCWC Contest in the subject line.
ENTRY FEE: Make check payable to CCWC at a rate of $25 per entry.
REMEMBER: Make certain you put CCWC Contest on Memo line of check.
Mail check to the following address:
Att: Paula Nichols
CCWC Contest
First Baptist Church
250 E. Main Street
Spartanburg, SC 29306
You may write your check for the total number of entries. However, please attach only one entry per e-mail. You may enter as many times as you wish as long as you enter only one manuscript per category, or for the novel, per subcategory. Your entry will only be judged if the entry fee has been received on or before February 15, 2022.
Note: If you prefer, contest entry payment may be made on the CCWC website at the same time as your registration for the conference.
Contest winners will be announced at the closing session of the CCWC on March 12, 2022.
Fine print:
• Entries not formatted correctly may be disqualified.
• Critiques will not be given on contest entries.
• Contest entries will not be returned.
• Categories may be combined.
• Judges may decide not to declare a winning entry if level of entries does not meet publishing industry standards.
Contest Guidelines
This part of the contest is limited to attendees whose entries are unpublished and uncontracted for the category entered.
ARTICLES – Submit your nonfiction article (up to 1000 words)
BIBLE STUDY – Submit an outline or table of contents plus first 1000 words.
CHILDREN’S PICTURE BOOK – Submit entire manuscript without graphics or illustrations.
DEVOTIONS – Submit your best devotion of no more than 300 words, including the accompanying prayer and scripture/quote.
NONFICTION BOOKS – Submit a one-paragraph summary of the book, the Table of Contents, plus up to the first 1500 words.
NOVELS – Submit a one-paragraph summary of the book, plus up to the first 1500 words. Note: In your summary, specify which sub-category your novel fits best. Submissions in the novel category are limited to one per sub-category.
· Contemporary
· Historical/Biblical
· Mystery/Suspense
· Romance
· Romantic Suspense
· Speculative/Fantasy
· Young Adult
POETRY – Submit your best poem, single-spaced, limited to one page
Deadline: February 8, 2022
Welcome to the 4th annual Kudos writing contest of the CCWC! It is our prayer that through this contest authors will confirm their calling.
This part of the contest is not limited to registered conference attendees.
Authors whose works have been published between January 2021 and January 2022 may submit a hard copy of the work along with a $20 entry fee payable to CCWC/FBS (Please write KUDOS Contest on memo line).
The fee attached to each entry goes to our Scholarship Fund, enabling talented but financially challenged writers to attend the conference. Thus, when you enter the contest, you are investing not only in your own professional growth, but also in God’s plan of provision for others.
Rules, guidelines, and fees are listed below. Please read and follow them carefully so as to ensure a valid entry.
Praying for you as you write for Him!
Melissa Henderson
CCWC Contest Director
View Guidelines
Note: This part of the contest is not limited to registered conference attendees.
Authors whose works have been published between January 2021 and January 2022 may submit a hard copy of the work along with a $20 entry fee payable to CCWC/FBS (Please write KUDOS Contest on memo line).
Categories for KUDOS AWARDS:
• Articles
• Fiction
• Non-fiction
These entries should be postmarked no later than February 8 and mailed to:
Melissa Henderson
CCWC Contest Director
3048 Caspian Ct.
Mount Pleasant, SC 29466
Contest winners will be announced at the closing session of the CCWC on March 12, 2022.
(Contest Entries will not be returned)
Please include the following information with your entry:
Title of Entry
Professional Headshots
Sharon Brisken Photography, will be on site Friday and Saturday as your headshot photographer
Headshot Information
Headshot information
Meet Your
2021 CCWC Faculty
Sally Apokedak
Sally Apokedak owns the Apokedak Literary Agency, a boutique agency specializing in Christian-worldview children’s books aimed at the general market. She currently has two agents onboard, a few hardworking interns, and a select group of wonderful clients.
She’s been working in children’s publishing for 20-plus years. As the manager of the Kidz Book Buzz blog tour she was privileged to work with best-selling authors such as Jeanne DuPrau, Ingrid Law, and Shannon Hale. Now she represents her own list of bestselling and award-winning authors and she teaches online courses to thousands of students in over 90 countries.
Building Story Worlds for Novelists, Parts 1 and 2
When you write a novel, your goal is to pull the reader into your story world so that he forgets what’s going on around him. You want to make him suspend his disbelief and to come to accept your story world as the real world, for the few hours it takes him to read the book. In order to do that you need a story world that feels real. In this four-part class we’ll look at award-winning MG and YA novels to see how the authors enriched their story worlds to make us long to go there. We’ll look at the physical aspects, the societies, and the religious practices that make story worlds feel real.
Building Story Worlds Part 1: Sensory details and social, economic, religious, and cultural details
Building Story Worlds Part 2: Character histories and habits, and theme
Candy Arrington
Candy Arrington has written hundreds of articles, stories, and devotionals published by numerous outlets including: Focus on the Family, Clubhouse, Encounter, The Lookout, The Upper Room,,,,,, The Writer, Writer’s Digest and the Chicken Soup and Cup of Comfort series. Her blog, Forward Motion, covers various topics related to moving beyond what holds you back. She is a member of CAN (Christian Authors Network) and ASJA (American Society of Journalists and Authors). She often writes on tough topics (caregiving, grief, loss, difficult relationships, suicide) with a focus on moving beyond difficult life circumstances. Her books include When Your Aging Parent Needs Care: Practical Help for This Season of Life (Harvest House) and AFTERSHOCK: Help, Hope, and Healing in the Wake of Suicide (B&H Publishing Group).
Nonfiction Book Building Blocks
It’s not unusual for aspiring writers to have a beeline focus on publishing a book. But like assembling and implementing the necessary building materials to construct a house, writers need to gain skills and establish credibility before attempting a book. Writing and speaking on your topic lay a good foundation, but there are other skills to master. In this workshop, learn the essential building blocks to construct your book and boost your chances of getting a nonfiction contract.
Tackling Tough Topics
Do you feel compelled to write about a difficult life circumstance? If so, you have the opportunity to reach those who are hurting, feel alienated and alone, and are searching for ways to heal their pain. But if you are writing from personal experience, it’s important to make sure you are ready to write and not still processing your experience. Also crucial is how to structure your content, what to include and what to omit. In this workshop, learn methods to craft your tough topic and write with a level of transparency that touches hearts and inspires hope.
Misty M. Beller
Misty M. Beller is the managing editor of Wild Heart Books, a traditional publisher focusing on Christian Historical Romance novels. She’s also a USA Today bestselling author with over 20 novels published, as well as a non-fiction book for authors, How to Market a Book Release.
After thirteen years working in professional project management and marketing, Misty uses her experience in the corporate world to develop best practices in her writing and book marketing efforts. It is her passion to help other authors on this same journey.
Misty teaches courses and workshops at writers’ conferences around the U.S., educating authors on effective book marketing approaches and helping them apply that knowledge to their own books.
Bring Your Backlist To Life
With a few new tools, your backlist can spring to life and find a whole new readership.
A career of writing means you likely have a solid “book inventory.” Whether you’re a traditionally published author getting your rights back, or an indie author seeking to increase monthly income, your older published works don’t need to languish any longer. With the variety of tools available to authors today, it’s never been easier to reinvigorate your backlist with a whole new readership. In this course, we’ll unpack some of those options:
New covers (And how not to confuse readers)
Kindle Unlimited – a great discoverability tool
Box sets – the advertiser’s friend
Email automation – the selling engine behind the scenes
Can your standalones become a series?
Writing As A Career
With the right strategies and a healthy dose of hard work, your dream of becoming a career author can turn into reality.
In this class, we’ll talk through many of the considerations and best practices of career authors—whether traditionally published, indie, or a combination of the two.
Thinking like a businessman (or businesswoman)
- Covering every part with prayer
- Mission statement
- Annual goals (book production, platform, skills/knowledge)
- Production schedule
- Bookkeeping
- Quarterly review
Multiple streams of income: Even if your books are in KU or with a single publisher, there are other smaller income sources you can and should utilize.
- Affiliate income
- Audiobooks
- Large print books
- Foreign translations
- Signed books or book gifts from your website
- Patreon
Release schedules
- Best practices for planning
- Consistent income
- Top promotion for each book
Michelle Cox
Michelle Cox is a speaker and the bestselling author of fourteen books. Her newest books are When God Calls the Heart: Devotions from Hope Valley (based on Hallmark’s mega-hit When Calls the Heart and co-authored with Executive Producer Brian Bird) and the When God Calls the Heart Journal.
Michelle’s “Life with a Southern Grandmother” posts run each Monday and Thursday at She has been the food blogger for Fox News Personality Todd Starnes and has written for, Focus on the Family, Christian Cinema, Whoa Magazine for Women, Leading Hearts Magazine, and numerous other publications. Michelle is the creator of the Just 18 Summers® brand of parenting products and resources, which will include movies, a documentary, music, books (the Just 18 Summers novel released from Tyndale), and other products. The Just 18 Summers® parenting blog (featuring a staff of writers) has a new post each Monday-Friday. Michelle has been a guest on Home and Family, Hannity, The Harvest Show, Focus on the Family, Babbie’s House, Atlanta Live, and on numerous other radio and television stations.
Lessons Learned from the World's Best Selling Author
Hidden between the pages of the Bible are writing lessons from the world’s bestselling author—lessons that will equip, inspire, and teach us as we seek to reach hearts and lives through the words we write. Join me as we use the example of what Jesus wrote to make our writing better.
Managing the Writer’s Life
You’ll soon discover that juggling your writing life with the rest of your life can sometimes be challenging and overwhelming. Join me for tips and skills that will help you cope and thrive despite the physical, spiritual, and emotional challenges of the writing journey. We’ll talk about ways to manage your time and become more disciplined, how to deal with rejections and stay motivated, about the rejuvenating power of cupcakes, and a bunch of other stuff.
Jimmie Davis
Jimmie Davis is the author of Virtual You, the Girls’ Ministry Handbook and the Girls’ Ministry Idea Book for Lifeway. Jimmie has led workshops for women, teenage girls, and girls’ ministry leaders all over the US. She has contributed to several women’s ministry books for Lifeway and several books as a ghostwriter. Jimmie has written numerous articles and currently serves as a ministry assistant editing and working with printed materials for First Baptist Spartanburg.
Jimmie Davis served in Student Ministry alongside her husband, Sam, for over 25 years. She served on staff as the Girls’ Ministry Director at First Baptist Spartanburg, SC for 8 years and as Director of the Deaf Ministry at First Baptist Atlanta for 3 years. Jimmie attended Converse College and has an Advanced Certificate in Women’s Ministry from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Writing Articles and Books from Your Speaking and Teaching
What are you teaching others from your personal study and life? What is your expertise? You can write a book from mentoring one on one, leading a small group, or speaking to larger groups. Whether it is teaching from your own personal speaking or writing for others who speak, Jimmie will teach you how to take your writing from podium to print.
Lynette Eason
Lynette Eason is the bestselling, award-winning author of over fifty books including the Women of Justice series, the Deadly Reunions series, the Hidden Identity series, the Elite Guardians series and the Blue Justice series. She writes for Revell and for Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense line. Her books have appeared on the CBA, ECPA, and Publisher’s Weekly bestseller lists. She has won several awards including the Carol Award, the IRCC award, the Selah, and the Christian Retailing’s Best Award. She placed in the top ten in the James Patterson 2016 co-writer contest. The movie, Her Stolen Past, based on Lynette’s novel with the same title, aired February 2, 2018, on the Lifetime Movie Network. Lynette is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), Romance Writers of America (RWA), Mystery Writers of America (MWA), International Thriller Writers (ITW), and Faith, Hope, and Love (FHL) chapter of RWA as well as the Kiss of Death (KOD) chapter. Lynette can be found online at and and @lynetteeason on Twitter.
Nuts and Bolts of Suspense
Learn what elements make up a rocking, edge of the seat, suspense story. Come prepared for a hands-on experience that you can take home and implement immediately. Workshop will include topics such as: Openings, Using all five senses, Subtexting, Red Herrings, Dialogue, Internal and External Conflicts, Character development in suspense, and ending scenes and chapters.
Point of View
Description to Come
Dr. Edna Ellison
Dr. Edna Ellison, a humorist, poet, and storyteller known as “the Christian mentoring guru,” lives in Spartanburg, SC. Former editor of a national Christian women’s magazine, Royal Service, she later served as a denominational consultant, speaker, and writer in Alabama and California. Currently Edna is a past president of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association.
Edna has been a keynote speaker in London, Frankfort, Panama City, and other world class cities. She has spoken and led writing conferences in almost every US state, including Alaska and Hawaii. An award-winning poetry and writing teacher on the high school, college, and post-graduate level, Edna is the author of 23 books and over 400 magazine articles. Her life has been featured in a Focus on the Family magazine, where she has also been published. A people-lover, she also loves teaching Bible studies, editing, and leading prayer retreats—and most of all, playing with her granddaughter, Blakely.
The Art of Laughter: Introducing Humor in Your Masterpieces
Learn about Forest Showers, Past-Meditation, and Storytelling with a comic twist. This workshop includes instructions on inserting humor into an otherwise serious or boring passage, when needed. Participants will enjoy telling their humorous anecdotes, discover how to raise their IQ, and share samples others can take with them for later use.
Linda Gilden – Director, Carolina Christian Writers Conference
Linda Gilden is an experienced writer, speaker, editor, and writing coach. Author of the popular Love Notes series, Mommy Pick-Me-Ups, Called to Write, Why You Do What You Do, Words To Live By, and many ghostwritten books, and with hundreds of magazine articles to her credit, Linda Gilden loves to share a great story.
A national speaker on the training staff of CLASSEMINARS, Inc., Linda enjoys helping others discover and grow their communication skills. She teaches at national writers conferences and “Writing to Expand Your Ministry” in the Women’s Ministry Degree Program at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. A wife, mother, and grandmother, Linda’s favorite times are those spent with her family. Linda finds tremendous joy in directing the Carolina Christian Writers Conference and the CLASS Christian Writers Conference in NM.
Articles, Articles, Articles!
Learn the basics of magazine article writing in this information-packed class. Topics addressed will include how to break in to the magazine market, where to find marketable ideas, how to study the markets to find a perfect fit for your manuscript, contemporary article format, and much more. Discover how to make the most of your research by repurposing it for other articles and books. Find out how to give editors what they want so that your work stands out from the slush pile. Network with other writers for research as well as for encouragement and fellowship and use article placement as a successful marketing tool.
Linda Goldfarb
Linda Goldfarb is an award-winning author of the LINKED® Quick Guide to Personalities series, international speaker, professional actress, podcaster, and audiobook narrator. She is a traditionally and independently published author who holds a board-certified advanced diploma in Christian life coaching.
As the podcast host of Your Best Writing Life, Linda interviews industry experts weekly, keeping her current with all things writing related. Linda works with EABooks Publishing as the Audiobook Division Director, Acquisitions Editor, and Voice Professional. She loves helping writers and speakers take God’s next best step to reaching their publishing goals and beyond.
She and her hubby, Sam, have four adult children and many, many, grandbabies. They live in the Texas hill country and enjoy hiking, playing golf, and relaxing with family and friends as often as possible.
Workshop Title to Come
Workshop information to come
Workshop Title to Come
Workshop information to come
Lori Hatcher – Chaplain
Lori Hatcher is a women’s ministry speaker, author, magazine editor, blogger, minister’s wife, and healthcare professional. She shares an empty nest in Lexington, SC with her husband, David, and her vast collection of books.
Lori’s the editor of South Carolina’s Reach Out, Columbia magazine, a Christian magazine dedicated to celebrating the life and work of Jesus Christ. A homeschool mom for 17 years, she’s the author of three devotional books, Hungry for God … Starving for Time, The Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year; and Joy in the Journey – Encouragement for Homeschooling Moms. Her latest book, Uncommon Insights for an Unbounded Life,is due out in the spring of 2020. Lori’s also a freelance writer for Her feature articles and devotions have been published by publications such as Proverbs 31 ministries, The Upper Room, War Cry, Today’s Christian Living, Christian Living in the Mature Years, Evangel, The Mother’s Heart, Inspired Women, The Old Schoolhouse, and Columbia Metropolitan Magazine.
A contest-winning Toastmasters International speaker (ACG, ALB), Lori loves to use stories to impart spiritual truths. Encouraging, inspiring, and entertaining are the words people use most to describe her. You’ll find Lori pondering the marvelous and the mundane on her blog, Hungry for God. . . Starving for Time ( You can reach her at
(Practically) Painless Editing for a Stellar Submission
Genius isn’t enough when you send your blog post, article, or book out into the publishing jungle. Not only does your work need panache, it also needs polish. Because even the most seasoned writer has weak areas, magazine editor Lori Hatcher will walk you through a 10-point checklist to ensure your work is stellar and ready to submit.
How to Write a Book—From Concept to Contract to Completion, It’s Not as Hard (or as Easy) as You Think
Whether we admit it or not, most writers dream of seeing our name on the cover of a book someday. But becoming a published writer requires more than a dream, it requires concrete steps over a period of time. These steps can be quite mysterious if you’ve never done it. This workshop will take you on a journey from concept to contract to completion, cracking the curtain on what has to happen to bring a book into existence. Lori will draw from her experience with self-publishing, small press publishing, and large press publishing to break down the process so you know just what to expect, at whatever stage of publishing you’re in.
Melissa Henderson – Contest Director
Contest Director
Tammy Karasek
You’ll find Tammy seeing humor and causing laughter in every aspect of life. Her past, filled with bullying and criticism from family, is the driving force of her passion to always encourage others and give them The Reason to smile. She’s been married to her college sweetheart, Larry, for 38 years, a mom to their grown daughter, Kristen, and wrapped around the paw of a little dog named Hattie. Born and raised in Ohio, her family now resides in South Carolina. She is the President of Word Weavers Upstate SC, Vice President of ACFW-SC and member of My Book Therapy/Novel Academy. She’s the Blog Editor for Word Weavers International. A Conference Assistant for Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. A monthly contributor for The Write Conversation. A contributor in the 2018 Divine Moments Compilation Book—Cool-inary Moments. Also a regular contributor to several other blogs.
Connect with Tammy:
Beta Reader, Street Teams and Launch Teams - Oh My!
I have been a participant on Launch Teams, probably between 45-50 over the last couple of years. This presentation on explains what is the difference between them and when do you need any of them. I have been on some that were very successful and I will give some hints and ideas on how to choose what fits for you to make your team as successful as possible.
Beginning Bookkeeping Basics for the Writer
As self-employed writers, it is up to us to keep appropriate and detailed records. Whether you will prepare your own taxes or hire a Tax Specialist, you will need your receipts and royalty stubs to have those figures for our tax forms. In this class I will give you easy ways to keep your financial records organized and ready to use before that April 15th deadline. This class will not cover tax particulars as each state has specifics, but it will touch on the Schedule C form categories. Once I started this system, my accountant said, “Thanks, you make my job of preparing your tax forms quick and easy.”
Katy Kauffman
Katy Kauffman is an award-winning author, an editor of Refresh Bible Study Magazine, and a co-founder of Lighthouse Bible Studies (not the same at Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas). Refresh seeks to be a Christian voice in an increasingly secular world, and its mission is to connect God’s word to life today. It’s a free, digital magazine published by Lighthouse Bible Studies.
Katy loves connecting with writers and hearing about their writing. Her own writing has won five awards, plus her first compilation, Breaking the Chains, won a 2018 Selah finalist award for Bible studies. Katy’s devotions, articles, or poetry have appeared on, on, on, in online magazines, and on numerous blogs. She regularly contributes to The Write Conversation and the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference blog.
She loves to spend time with family and friends, make jewelry, and hunt for the best decaf coffee. Katy makes her home in a cozy suburb of Atlanta, Georgia.
Seven Giants Every Writer Must Slay
-The nagging voice of self-doubt and the bully of perfectionism. The taunts of comparison and the strength-draining power of fear. We’ve all encountered enemies along our writing journey, and they threaten to beat us down and hinder our work. But God has a message for us to share with the world. Discover ten resources every Christian writer possesses, and arm yourself with strategies for slaying the giants that hinder your writing’s creativity and purpose. This is our time to make a difference, and God wants to use us to share His hope, truth, and love with the world. Don’t let any giant stand in your way.
How to Make Scripture Come Alive in Your Writing
Since Scripture is alive with truths and promises, with hope and healing, how can we effectively present its message in our writing? We can “scrapbook” it—we can share it with personality, charm, fresh insights, and a unique approach. We can craft first lines to draw the reader into our message. We can write about the topic from the inside out, not from the outside looking in. Whether you write books, articles, or blog posts, this workshop will show you ten essentials for writing about the word of God with richness, vitality, and everyday relevance.
Terri Kelly
Terri Kelly is the author of Mary Slessor: Missionary Mother. As a writer she has contributed to several books, including Divine Moments, Stupid Moments, Faith and Family and Spirit and Heart. Terri has published articles in Kids’ Ark Magazine, Clubhouse, WHOA Magazine, Asheville Lifestyles, and numerous online publications. She is a teacher at writing conferences and assistant director of Asheville Christian Writers Conference in Asheville, North Carolina. Terri helps teachers survive and thrive the classroom at
Finding Time to Write the Lines
How do you fit writing into a full-time working schedule, a houseful of kids, their sports events, and the inevitable struggles of life? In this class, we’ll target specific ways to juggle a writing career, maintain relationships, and yes – get a good night’s sleep. You’ll leave with concrete ways to squeeze extra minutes out of your days, plus a plan to manage the pitfalls.
How to Write Devotions for Children
Do you want to know how to write to grab kids’ attention? We’ll learn how to write concise, creative, and clear devotions for kids. This workshop teaches the secrets to communicate on a child’s level, how to brainstorm ideas, and prepare yourself for the writing path God has planned for you.
Writing devotions provides the discipline and practice writers need to keep readers’ interest. Come and learn the formula you’ll need to write devotions right.
Larry J. Leech II
Writing coach of award-winning novelists, Larry J. Leech II has spent nearly 40 years working with words. After a 23-year journalism career that began in 1981, Larry moved into freelance writing and editing in 2004. He has ghostwritten nearly 30 books, edited more than 250 manuscripts, and written back cover copy and press releases for numerous publishers. Larry teaches at numerous conferences nationwide and can be found online on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and his website,
Say What?
How to write snappy dialogue can be a tad tricky. In fiction, dialogue is not two people talking with each other. Dialogue is about demonstrating character through conflict. In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn how to write believable dialogue, evoke senses, and, most important, how to create tension, even between allies.
Strong Foundation, Strong Fiction
Every builder will tell you that a strong foundation is needed to build. In fiction, that means correct use of POV, character arc, story arc, emotion, setting and description. Knowing when and how to use each will lay the perfect foundation on which to build your story. Even if you feel you have a grasp on these, come see if you have the right mixture in your foundation so your story won’t crumble.
Edie Melson
Edie Melson—author, editor and blogger—Find your voice, live your story…is the foundation of Edie Melson’s message, no matter if she’s writing for fiction readers, parents, military families, fiction readers or writers. As an author, blogger, and speaker she’s encouraged and challenged audiences across the country and around the world. Her numerous books reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts and apply them to their lives.
She’s a leading professional within the publishing industry and travels to numerous conferences as a popular keynote, writing instructor and mentor. Her blog for writers, The Write Conversation, reaches thousands each month and is consistently chosen as a Writer’s Digest Top 101 Websites for Writers. She’s the Director of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference and the Mountainside Marketing Conference, as well as Vice President of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association and the Social Media Director for Southern Writers Magazine. In addition, she’s a regular columnist for, and Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.
Social Media:
Social media platforms and interfaces are changing at almost a daily rate. And yet, this medium is still critical for writers wanting to stay connected with their audience. Instead of always running to catch up, learn how to organize your time, find your focus and refine your method to stay on track no matter what happens.
Soul Care for Writers
Those who write have opened themselves to specific stresses. We pull from what’s inside us to create a gift. Our ultimate goals and dreams are as varied at the words we use. No matter why we write, I believe we each fight this battle to bring forth words to make the world a better place. We are hope givers, joy bringers, and light shiners.
To do this though, we must have something to pull from. Writing is an exhausting endeavor, and we cannot do it effectively when the well is dry. So in this workshop will share how to connect with the One who understands us—and our craft—best.
Beth Patch
Beth Patch manages’s Spiritual Life channel, one of five magazine-style sections of the award-winning Christian website. She holds a Journalism Master’s from Regent University and a Communication Bachelor’s from the University of Virginia. She acquires, reviews, and approves all devotions, Spiritual Life-themed articles, and online Bible courses on She publishes the approved content on the site, as well as, promotes each post via subscription emails and social media. Beth also manages Christian Courses, Bible in a Year, and Daily Devotion reading plans. On occasion, she interviews best-selling Christian authors and writes movie reviews for’s Entertainment section.
Devoted to You
Your life is filled with God-winks and spiritual lessons. Build your platform using the four basic elements of devotion writing to encourage others with your stories.
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Karen Porter
Karen Porter is an international retreat and seminar speaker and a successful businesswoman. She is the author of seven books, including If You Give a Girl a Giant…Fighting for Your Life; I’ll Bring the Chocolate: Satisfying a Woman’s Cravings for Friendship and Faith; and Amplify!
Karen is a frequent guest on regional and national radio and TV programs. She writes a regular leadership column for Leading Hearts Magazine and has contributed to national magazines such as Focus on the Family, Discipleship Journal, and American Taste. She has also written curriculum for Lifeway Resources.
Karen and her husband, George, own Bold Vision Books, a traditional Christian publishing company. The two also own Stone Oak Publishing, a hybrid publishing company, and Kae Creative Solutions, a communications consulting firm.
Karen served as Vice President of International Marketing of a major food company in Texas for more than 30 years. She traveled around the world and her varied experiences (including dinners with Fidel Castro and other heads of state) contribute to the richness and depth of her writing and speaking.
Trainer/Mentoring Ministry/Certified Coaching
As a certified coach of speakers and writers, Karen helps aspiring writers learn the craft of writing, as well as editing and developmental book doctoring. Karen coaches speakers in her Amplify! program, helping speakers refine content development, stage presence, and storytelling.
Karen served on the board of CLASSEMINARS, INC, as well as lead trainer on the national staff. She also serves on the board of First Place 4 Health, one of the nation’s top health and nutrition programs, and she is president of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association.
Karen is a people person, plain and simple and you will love to laugh with her and maybe even cry a little as she shares her joys and struggles. Karen says her marriage to George is her greatest achievement, but she’d love to talk to you about her five grandchildren! In her spare time, Karen continues her life-long quest to find the perfect purse.
Excellence in the Craft of Writing
Take your writing style and voice to the next level by understanding how to improve your language and writing skills. You will be inspired to write with elegance and flair and clarity. Catch the attention of an editor with excellence.
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George Porter
George Porter is a brother, husband, father, and grandfather who loves God. As a science teacher for more than 23 years, George bring the scientific world to life in his presentations, Bible teaching, and writing as he helps his audiences embrace the God who made us all.
George is co-owner of Bold Vision Books, an independent, Christian publishing company. George serves as general manager, acquisitions editor, and publisher.
As a teacher in both public and private schools, George served as curriculum team leader and on campus site-based committees. He judged Science Olympiads, implemented pilot curriculum on drug awareness in cooperation with Baylor College of Medicine, and coached tennis teams.
George is a graduate of Texas A&M University and has done graduate work in physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, and cell biology at Baylor College of Medicine. He served as a combat medic and paratrooper in Vietnam and as a bacteriologist in the Surgical Research Unit at Brooke Army Medical Center in projects involving the treatment of burn patients.
George is married to Karen and has two children. He makes his home in Texas.
How to Wow a Publisher
As a publisher, George sees all kinds of queries, proposals, and writing. In this workshop, he will give you the tips you need to make a publisher choose your manuscript over the others that come across the acquisitions desk. You will discover the secrets of formatting, presentation, focusing your materials, and hooking the editor’s interest.
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Molly Jo Realy
A Southern Belle from Southern California, Molly Jo is a writer, editor, social media ninja, and producer of Aaron Gansky’s Firsts in Fiction podcast. She has been featured in children’s magazines, on blogs and devotional websites, and her short stories have earned her awards and scholarships from nationally acclaimed writing programs. She is the founder of New Inklings Press and author of The Unemployment Cookbook: Ideas for Feeding Families One Meal at a Time and other books available through her website and on Amazon. She offers seminars and personal coaching on self publication and building social media/marketing platforms. Frankly, My Dear . . . is her blog where she shares her thoughts on Faith, Family, Food, and Fun, and her corner of the world affectionately known as Bedford Manor (the lesser known one, of course), named after Bedford Falls because, after all, it is a wonderful life. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and as a regular contributor to several blogs.
Come Alive and Stay Wild
Writing is about grabbing the reader’s attention, and telling the story only you can tell. Embrace your personality and experiences, and let them flow into the characters you write. This course will cover different ways to write (organic v. outline), better self-talk, and how to recognize triggers to writer’s block and other distractions, to turn you into the writer you are supposed to be.
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Rhonda Robinson
Rhonda Robinson is an author, speaker, and marketing coach with EA Books Publishing. She began her writing career as a mommy blogger, back in the day, when they were called newspaper columnists. As the managing editor for a large content marketing company Rhonda taught and led teams to create high traffic, viral content, and engagement rich social media management.
Hundreds of her articles and columns have been published in magazines, newspapers, and influential conservative sites. Her new book, FreeFall: Holding on to Faith When the Unthinkable Strikes,released in January, 2020.
Rhonda’s greatest accomplishment was gaining 574 pounds and losing 500 to win the grand prize of nine children with an unexpected bonus of 32 grandchildren. As a recovering political junkie, she restores her barefoot soul in the peaceful hills of Tennessee with her high school sweetheart.
Get Noticed on Amazon
Amazon currently has 32.8 million books listed for sale—how will your readers find you? Like Google, Amazon is a search engine. This workshop will show you how to stand out in the Amazon algorithms, create an author page that gets noticed, and get your book discovered in searches.
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Cindy Sproles
Cindy Sproles is the cofounder of Christian Devotions Ministries and the cowriter of the popular He Said, She Said Devotions written with her cofounder, Eddie Jones. Cindy’s devotions and articles are published in Christian newspapers across the eastern seaboard, including Common Ground Christian Newspaper, Tri-County News and Hometown Christian News. She is a speaker to women’s conferences addressing not only the heart of women but also their biblical responsibilities to their families. As a teacher and speaker for Christian Writers Conferences, Cindy teaches writing skills and how to write placing God in the forefront. She is a contributing author to and is the Executive Editor for and the Devotional Acquisitions Editor for Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. Cindy works along side Scott McCausey and Eddie Jones to cohost the syndicated Blog Talk Radio show, Christian Devotions SPEAK UP. Her newest book, Mercy Rains, transports readers to nineteenth-century Appalachia revealing the thorny path from bitterness to forgiveness. Cindy is also the coauthor of He Said, She Said – A Devotional Guide to Cultivating a Life of Passion. She is the mother of four sons and lives in the mountains of East Tennessee with her husband. Cindy can be contacted at
Making Diamonds Out of Coal
In this class we discuss polishing a manuscript. We address where the story begins, the importance of the opening paragraph and page, what is your hook and what is your overall goal of the book. We look at how to develop characters who impact your readers so when the book is done, they want to know more about them. This class also addresses chapter lengths and overall word count, as well as the synopsis, and how to submit to an agent or publisher.
Stop Preaching to the Choir - Writing Christian World View into the General Market
As Christian writers we tend to preach to the choir, writing only to those in the Christian market. But what about those who do not read within the confines of the Christian Market? In this class we will discuss the importance of writing into the general market maintaining a Christian world view. Authors can write wholesome, enjoyable, and fulfilling fiction to the general market without letting the world lead them in the lie that the world won’t read. We’ll prove you can write good fiction and maintain the love of Christ, without thumping your reader on the head. It’s time to advance and put our toes in new water where the ripples can make amazing changes.
Les Stobbe
An active Literary Agent for 25 years, Les Stobbe now helps writers as writing coach on non-fiction books and as ghostwriter. He started his writing and editorial career as founding editor of the weekly Mennonite Observer in Winnipeg. He became selling floor manager of the Moody Bookstore in Chicago. He then served as editor of Christian Bookseller Magazine, then editorial director of Cambridge Publishers in Winnipeg. In 1970 he moved back to Chicago to become editorial director of Moody Press. Since then he has been book club vice-president, president of Here’s Life Publishers, curriculum managing editor at Scripture Press, vice president of marketing and communications at Evangelistic Association of New England, Journalist in Residence at Gordon College. Along the way he has written curriculum, journalism lessons, 14 books and hundreds of magazine articles. His website is at
Devoted to You
Your life is filled with God-winks and spiritual lessons. Build your platform using the four basic elements of devotion writing to encourage others with your stories.
Craig von Buseck
Dr. Craig von Buseck is a published author and Editor of Content for, the website of Inspiration Ministries in Charlotte, North Carolina. Craig’s new book, “I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel”, is being released by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas on April 22. Learn more at
Fiction Techniques in Non-Fiction Writing
Have you heard this quote? “Give me 26 lead soldiers and I will conquer the world.” Did you know that both Benjamin Franklin and Karl Marx said it – and they were both correct? In this class you will learn that writing is a transaction between the writer and the reader. Your job is to give them an entertaining read, full of hard-hitting facts and heart-tugging stories. In response they will read your book to the end – and hopefully will recommend it to others. The best way to achieve this goal in the nonfiction realm is by learning how to use the techniques of fiction writers to make your writing soar.
Narrative Non-Fiction
With blockbusters like “Grant”, “The Zookeeper’s Wife” and “Leonardo Da Vinci” dominating the best-seller lists, the narrative non-fiction and biography genres are burgeoning markets for writers who want to tell true stories with powerful messages. Learn the difference between narrative non-fiction, biography, and historical fiction. Discover how true stories can unlock the hearts of your readers to the ways God can move supernaturally in the lives of people who seek Him – and the tragedies of those who go their own way.
Aaron Zook
Aaron M. Zook, Jr.—an award-winning author and speaker—entertains with a purpose in his books and presentations. He’s thrilled thousands of readers through his YA Christian mystery/adventure Thunder and Lightning series about two inquisitive boys and their dogs who solve one crisis after another around the world. Aaron volunteers in church and in the community. Check out his info, fun facts, and books on his website—,, or Aaron is a retired U.S. Army Colonel and lives with his wife, Joyce, in Holly Lake Ranch, TX. They have two married sons and four wonderful grandchildren.
Research: a Love/Hate Relationship
Have you ever wrestled with research to make your book subject, emotions, and characters authentic to your readers? In this exciting workshop, you’ll be able to identify what kind of research works for you—and what doesn’t. Aaron will provide four typical reasons people hate research, then provide four reasons why some writers love research. After exploring these areas, Aaron will give you ten different ways to research and make the process fun! The result? Research will kindle the fire of creativity and fill the vacuum of knowledge you need to let your words cascade onto the pages in a torrent of passionate prose. Check it out!
Writing for YA - One Author's Perspective
Have you ever wondered how to write an award-winning YA novel? Take a short journey through the eyes of one such author as he discusses four essential keys to developing and creating a captivating novel series that has his followers begging for more. Learning how to write in a way that excites YA readers requires delving into their world and revealing the pain, hurt, and joys of being a teen. Don’t miss this special class. Wouldn’t it be great to have a YA reader ask you, “Haven’t you written the next novel yet? I need more.”