Short Term

• Day Trips to WNC

(Various locations in Western North Carolina)

January – February

Hurricane Helene left its mark on our neighbors to the north in Western North Carolina. We have the opportunity to join with Samaritian’s Purse is helping rebuild and restore hope to the people in Western North Carolina.

Please express your interest in serving  and we will be in touch with more details.

• Serve the Burg

(Spartanburg, SC)

March 29

Serve the Burg is a day set aside for churches to partner together to serve our city and proclaim the hope of the Gospel in one accord. Do not miss this exciting day of serving our city and saturating Spartanburg with the Gospel.

This day is facilitated through Come Closer Spartanburg. 

•Send Relief Serve Tour

(Columbia, SC)

August 22-23

Cost: TBD

On August 22-23, 2025,  join Send Relief in hurting communities in Columbia, South Carolina by serving local churches, bivocational pastors, low-income schools and other organizations in need of assistance. Projects may include light construction, painting, landscaping and hosting neighborhood grill walks or block parties.


• Bay Area Marriage Conference

(San Francisco, CA)

May 28-June 2

Cost: TBD

Marriage matters. This opportunity to serve involves leading and helping faciliate a marriage conference for church planters and their wives in the Bay Area of California. This marriage conference will minister to Bay Area church planters through the SEND Network of churches. 

• North Africa

(Secure location)

June 16-23

Cost: TBD

Witness what God is doing among the nations in North Africa. Join with our workers in North Africa to proclaim the gospel amongst a people group who have very little to no gospel presence among them. This trip will be evangelism focused and align with our desire as a church to saturate the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

• South Africa

(Johannesburg, SA)

July 31 –

August 8

Cost: ~$3,000

Witness what God is doing among the nations in Johannesburg, South Africa. This global city is home to over 16 million people. Join with our workers in Johannesburg to proclaim the gospel amongst a people group who have very little to no gospel presence among them. This trip will be evangelism focused and align with our desire as a church to saturate the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

• Send Relief LA

(Los Angeles, CA)

November 8-14

Cost: ~$850

Califronia is a tremendous place for gospel work and the advancement of the Kingdom of God. On this trip, we will partner with Send Relief in meeting needs, building relationships, and witnessing the Lord work in the lives of those in Los Angeles. This trip will be compassion ministry and evangelsim focused and seek to reach some of the hardest areas of the city with the Gospel. 


• Bridge Builders

(Spartanburg, SC)

Whatever your skill set, the Construction Ministry has a place for you, with plenty to do!  Some examples include wheelchair ramps, replacement windows and doors, painting, minor renovations. Contact Jim Barrett at 47bb2sc@gmail.com for more information.

• Refuge

(Spartanburg, SC)

Sundays 8 – 10 am

Refuge is a ministry to those living in homelessness.  Offering Christ’s love to precious people who are struggling to secure the basic necessities of life.
Showers begin at 7:30, Breakfast at 8:45, and Bible Study at 9:15

• The Bridge

(Spartanburg, SC)

The Bridge provides needed resources like food and clothes to families in need. The Bridge is open daily, Monday through Thursday, 9 AM to Noon. Visit www.fbs.org/bridge for more information.

• The Bridge Kids & Bridge Scholars

(Spartanburg, SC)

Contact Jacob Comer at jcomer@www.fbs.org to be a part of this growing afterschool program for children and middle schoolers in the Northside.

• Disaster Relief

Be a part of one of the largest disaster response teams in the US. Help people with food and debris clearing following major natural and manmade  emergencies. Visit www.scbaptist.org/dr to sign up for Disaster Relief Training.


• Send Relief Journeyman

(2 years)

The Journeyman program gives recent college graduates the opportunity to serve full time at Send Relief ministry centers such as the one is Clarkston or in NAMB Send Cities such as Pittsburgh. Journeyman can be single or married with no kids. Send Relief Journeyman may work in areas of poverty, refugees and internationals, foster care and adoption, human trafficking, crisis response and church planting.


• IMB Journeyman

The IMB journeyman program seeks to allow recent college graduates and young professionals (under 30) to serve overseas as missionaries for 2 years through engaging in the missionary task of evangelism, disciple making, and church planting.

• Career Missionary

While God calls all believers to proclaim the gospel, some are specifically called to serve and proclaim the gospel overseas as full-time Career Missionaries. There are many service opportunities and places around the world where the gospel is not known. Career Missionaries seek to bring the gospel to the ends of the Earth.

Interested in serving on a mission trip?