FBS Leadership Onboarding
  1. The applicant must complete the FBS Volunteer Application.
  2. FBS Staff will conduct a personal interview.
  3. FBS will run a background check.
  4. At the staff’s discretion, references may be contacted.
  5. The applicant must show at-least 6 months of engagement and progress toward membership.
  6. All additional forms must be completed and signed.
  7. Once these steps are completed, the leader will enter specific ministry training, while serving. See these steps below.
YTH Minisitry Leadership Training
  • 4 Week Training Course
  • Abuse Prevention Training

Click here to view our application, policy & other documents.


Being a small group leader is a great way to serve. Our adult leaders are vital to the success of our groups. We offer groups on Sunday mornings and Sunday nights for Middle and High School Students.

For more information about serving in a group role, please click here.


Looking to serve in a smaller capacity? Our midweek service may be a great place to start. Our adult leadership on Wednesday nights provide support and stability to our staff team during the busiest time of the week. This service called MVMT takes place on Wednesday nights from 6pm – 8pm.

For more information about serving in a MVMT role, please click here.


If serving weekly isn’t a good fit, we also have opportunities at various events. Whether YTH Camp, Winter WKND or other events, let us know if you’re interested in joining us. You can visit the “Events” tab for more info.