Request Prayer
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Each week, our staff gets together as one body and prays specifically and individually over prayer requests that we receive. We believe in the power of prayer, and we care about your prayer needs!
To sign up to pray for your neighbors, visit Bless Every Home here.
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
A 14 Year boy, at a house party was shot in the head, he's in the Hospital in Critcal Condition, pray he survives his Injury,
Received: November 28, 2019
Pls pray God will give me spiritual word of wisdom or knowledge what I need to do. that I would keep my job. Pls pray God will help me with divine discernment.
Received: November 27, 2019
Recently, I feel into sin and had an affair against my wife. The affair was hard on her, as I said and did a lot of things that hurt. God got ahold of my heart, however, and brought me back to him. He has made me fully repentant and has changed my life dramatically. I immediately sought to reconcile with my wife as God commands. Shortly after I confessed the affair and attempted to reconcile, my wife issued divorce proceedings against me and had been very persistent for the last two months. I am asking prayer that God will sudden her heart and allow us to reconcile and honor him with a godly marriage. Several people have tried talking to her without success, including her parents. Her father is planning on talking with her shortly to try again. Please also pray for the Holy Spirit to work through him.
Received: November 27, 2019
Prayers desperately needed please. I'm dreading yet another Thanksgiving alone and if that wasn't enough, I feel like a prisoner in my own home. A neighbor who I thought was a friend has betrayed me yet again. God sees all & He knows the truth...I know all these things, but I'm still struggling. I'm hurt, numb, and can't for the life of me wrap my head around the "why" of what all has happened this past week. Trusting God in the darkness...please pray with me...first of all for these folks that have done this...I forgive them, but they are so very lost and I'm hoping that somehow through all of this, they will come to know Christ as their Savior...and secondly, for God to help me see this through His eyes & with His heart...and thirdly, for wisdom & guidance as to what my next steps should be. Thanks as always for listening and for prayers. They are much needed and very much appreciated.
Received: November 27, 2019
Giving Thanks today for the prayer warriors at FBC Spartanburg. You have prayed over my request and He has heard and continues to work in the healing and restoration of my marriage and family. God Bless each of you and may your Thanksgiving be filled with the Peace and Joy of Jesus.
Received: November 27, 2019
Pray for Ms.Torres about her disability. she's on a disability income and needs funds to support herself because no one will hire her.
Received: November 25, 2019
We need God’s special blessing & a miracle in our marriage. Ask Him to move this mountain, save our marriage, & heal our hurts so that we can be a testimony for Him. My wife wants to file for divorce. No Biblical reason but Christians telling her it is ok and Gods will. God please let Your will be done, Your word says You value marriage save us for Your glory
Received: November 24, 2019
I am a 67 year old female. I have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease since 2017. I also have spinal stenosis which I will hopefully have surgery for. I stay in pain with back pain, leg spasms, ankle and toe cramps. I do not sleep well and am physically and emotionally exhausted. I have been a Christian since I was a teenager. I am in God's word daily and I pray without ceasing. I take God at His word, that He wants to prosper me and can heal me if He chooses. I know he loves me and that I am going through spiritual warfare. I want to do God's will for me, however I do not understand what He is trying to teach me through all of the pain He is allowing me to suffer. I have always been active but now I stay fatigued and apathetic. I pray for total healing, a miracle cure, or at least relief from the chronic pain. I don't understand why God has not provided any of these prayer requests. Please pray for me to accept His timing and to have faith that this too will pass and that God will work all things for my good and His glory.
Received: November 24, 2019
Michelle Seagraves
Thank you for praying for my dad, Jerry. He is home and seems to be resting and feeding himself and were going to buy him a wheelchair so he can go for walks with his wife
If I could have God would show my oldest and middle son James and Nicholas that family is a blessing and see that would be a blessing right now. There youngest brother serving in the military shipped over. His name is Michael.