South Africa Orphans
South Africa Orphans
East London, South Africa
Will you prayerfully consider joining us in the sponsorship of our precious little ones who reside in group homes that we as a church family helped to build in Xhosa townships of East London, South Africa. As we move into 2021, our children will need even more support than before as their country is once again seeing an increase in Covid-19 numbers and new restrictions and regulations are in place. These children desperately need our love and continued support.
At the moment, we have 38 children who need support of a minimum of $100 per month to cover their daily living, which includes food, clothing, school fees and uniforms, shoes, etc. We would love to have five or more sponsors for each child at $20 per month. If you would like to join us in this effort, please contact Kathy Hurry at 864-699-4207 or Ubuntu, a newsletter is available to our sponsors periodically throughout the year and highlights our children and their activities. We would love for you to be a part of their lives.
Please be sure to give your gift to the MPACT office or to Kathy to insure proper tax credit. Make the check payable to First Baptist and then indicate on the Memo Line – SA Orphan Sponsorship. You can also pay online designating recurring payment to SA Orphans. Please be reminded that you will need to keep track of when you make payments, whether it is monthly, quarterly, or annually. A great way to be reminded is to write on a calendar when payments are made and when the next one is due.
We dearly appreciate your investment in the lives of these precious children. All for Jesus!
Karyn Wilton
You can find the latest newsletter here
You can find previous newsletters here